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Noorani Qaida Lesson 13: The Tashdeed

Tutorial Instructions:

Noorani Qaida Lesson (Chapter) 13 (Thirteen) “The Tashdeed” Free Online. In this tutorial, students will have to learn the answers to the following questions in the best possible way.

  1. What is this Symbol (  ّ )?
    Tashdeed Or Shaddah.
  2. What is the name of the Tashdeed Letter?
  3. How many times the letter with Tashdeed is read?
    Answer: Two Times.
  4. How is Mushaddad read?
    Answer: It is read with a strong voice.

Lesson Details:

Lesson No.:Lesson Name:Download:
Thirteen (13)The Tashdeed 26-Page (230.86 KB) - 27-Page (192.92 KB)

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26-Page Noorani Qaida Lesson Chapter 13 (Thirteen) "The Tashdeed" Part 1 Online

Part: 2

27-Page Noorani Qaida Lesson Chapter 13 (Thirteen) "The Tashdeed" Part 2 Online

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