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Noorani Qaida Lesson 18: Ending of Rules

Tutorial Instructions:

Noorani Qaida Lesson (Chapter) 18 (Eighteen) “Ending of Rules” Free Online. If Noon Sakin and Tanween are followed by Yarmaloon Letters: ( ی ر م ل و ن ) we will do Ghunna with Idgham in all Letters Except ( ر ) and ( م ) where only Idgham will be done. You Must not to read the letter before Tashdeed ( مَنْ رَّبُّکَْ ) Whenever Noon Sakin and Tanween are Followed by ( ب ) it will be converted into Meem and Ghunna will be done. When Meem Sakin is Followed by ( ب ) or ( م ) we will do Ghunna and Meem Sakin. If the letter before ( ل ) in the word (Allah,  الله) has Kasrah ( ر ) will be light.

Lesson Details:

Lesson No.:Lesson Name:Download:
Eighteen (18)Ending of Rules 32-Page (256.72 KB) - 33-Page (207.26 KB)

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32-Page Noorani Qaida Lesson Chapter 18 (Eighteen) "Ending of Rules" Part 1 Online

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33-Page Noorani Qaida Lesson Chapter 18 (Eighteen) "Ending of Rules" Part 2 Online

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