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Noorani Qaida Lesson 5: The Movements

Tutorial Instructions:

Noorani Qaida Lesson (Chapter) 5 (Five) “The Movements” Free Online. In this, Tutorial you will learn “The Movements” signs of the Arabic Language. There are three kinds of movements.

  1. Fatha ( اَ ) which is always above a letter.
  2. Kasra ( اِ ) which is always below a letter.
  3. Damma ( اُ ) which is always above a letter.

Just move the word with these symbols.

Neither prolong the letter which has Fatha, Kasra, or Damma nor read it with a jerk.

Lesson Details:

Lesson No.:Lesson Name:Download:
Five (5)The Movements 08-Page (217.82 KB) - 09-Page (213.27 KB)

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08-Page Noorani Qaida Lesson Chapter 5 (Five) "The Movements" Part 1 Online

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09-Page Noorani Qaida Lesson Chapter 5 (Five) "The Movements" Part 2 Online

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